April 28, 2008

PA Healthcare Symposium, April 12, 2008

Chuck Pennacchio, Ph.D., HealthCare4AllPA.org, describes the publicly funded, privately provided option in the "Family and Business Healthcare Security Act," HB 1660/SB 300; State Reps. Katharine Watson and Scott Petri offer alternative programs to "Cover All Pennsylvanians," represented in twelve separate bills; Donna Cooper, Secretary of Policy and Planning, presents Gov. Rendell’s proposal, “Prescription for Pennsylvania,” HB 700. Hosted by BuxMont Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, moderated by the League of Women Voters.

April 7, 2008

Peace Voter Guide, 2008 Primary

The nonpartisan Peace Voter Guide to PA's April 22 presidential primary is now available online at PeaceCoalition.org as a printable PDF. Please help spread the word!